Face the Future

Changing times call for new forms of leadership. The world has changed tremendously over the last fifty years, and the context of organizations has become more and more influential. Companies are looking for new ways to organize themselves in open, fluid structures, like networks and swarms, interacting with their environments.

This also affects leadership and governance, in which many structures and habits originate from the old, industrial era. Most of us recognize that the classic image of the leader no longer suffices and that a new approach is needed, but what does that look like? What are the leadership skills for the next generation and how can you describe the differences with our classical view of leadership? And what does that mean for educating the leaders of the future?

Our research distinguishes six behavioural dimensions on which the transition to next generation leadership takes place. This results in six journeys, from classical leadership qualities to the qualities of the future. This picturebook shows these journeys in an imaginative way. You can join Birdy, our little hero, on its trip from the past to the future. You can gain deeper insights into the real meaning for the behaviour and skills involved. You can use the QR-codes to find scientific knowledge, practical tools and inspiration from music and movies. You can even test and develop yourself on your leadership qualities with the mixing console. Together, let’s face the future!

Take a look at the website on facethefutureleadership.com

Read an extensive text of the book, including full references and footnotes: Face the Future 2020

Contextueel leiderschap

De samenleving verandert snel en organisaties veranderen mee. Dynamiek en heftige ontwikkelingen in markten en producten betekenen snelle groei of forse transities voor bedrijven en instellingen. De onvoorspelbaarheid en het verandertempo nemen toe.

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Contextueel organiseren

Hoe realiseer je de transitie van een klassieke, instrumentele of bureaucratische organisatie naar een eigentijds, flexibel en adaptief acterend systeem? Een systeem dat effectief kan inspelen en meebewegen met de wereld om zich heen, maar ook de noodzakelijke stabiliteit weet te realiseren?

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    Als organisatiepsycholoog en bestuursadviseur ben ik actief in heel uiteenlopende organisaties. Ik ken de private en de publieke wereld, van bureaucratische molochs tot wilde pioniersbedrijven, van snelle...

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Freek Peters

"Veel gelouterde bestuurders grijpen mis op de nieuwe werkelijkheid, met blunders en maatschappelijke schandalen als gevolg"

Freek Peters

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